I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while. It took me a long time because I often wondered why many 'ordinary' people have blogs. I wasn't sure I had anything worth reading to say. Whelp, here I am, hoping I have something worth reading to say! I hope to encourage at least one person (even if that person is me). I will consider my blog a success.

I wanted to lay out why I named the blog 'Homemaking with Intention'. I originally was looking at 'mothering with intention', but I felt that it left out one very important person- my husband! My primary, day in day out 'job' is a mom, but I am so much more then that. I am a wife to my husband and I run our home. So, hence 'Homemaking with intention!'

When I think about the word 'homemaker' it seems so old fashioned. But, lets look at the definition. One online source states:

Homemaker, noun 1. a person who manages the household of his or her own family, especially as a principal occupation.

This word (homemaker) isn't outdated or old fashioned at all- it is my life, my job!

Here is the definition of intention:
Intention, noun 1. an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result. 
                       2. the end or object intended; purpose

These two words sum up the whole of my life right now. I am a homemaker, I manage my household while my husband is gone working all day and I go about my job with a purpose, with intention (or I try too)!

I want to use this blog to encourage women, wives, mothers to go about there day with a purpose. We need to be intentional about how we treat our husbands, manage our homes and raise our children. It is so easy to fall into a pattern of just going about our day-surviving it, that we can lose sight of the greater picture. What does your greater picture look like? What role does God have you in right now that you need to be purposeful about so that you can live your life with intention?! For me, that role is to love and respect my husband, run our home and train up our children. 

I would love to hear about what role God has you in right now and what your bigger picture is.


  1. So exciting! :) love the name

    1. Thanks lady, and thank you for helping me get started! :)

  2. Well, you've already encouraged another person:) Thanks for sharing! This topic has also been on my mind recently, I've been thinking about it alot, as well as being content with where God has placed me at this point in my life.

    1. Ahhhh, yes, being content. So hard sometimes, isn't it? Some days I look at my home and my hubby and beautiful kids and think, 'why am I not happy?' Answer: Because happiness comes from happenings- JOY comes from being content. We may not always want to be in the place God has us at that moment, but if we can be content in it- we can have joy! It is a work in progress. I will be praying for you!

  3. I am very excited to see where this goes! I love the name, I think it's great that you're going to be sharing.

    1. Thanks Carlee! I am excited too! I hope that I have good things to share!

  4. Great idea Leigh Anne! Love the name. You are already an inspiration to me :)

  5. I love your blog! Just the name made me stop and think. You've got a few years of marriage (and kids) on me. I've enjoyed learning from you and watching you take on the process (like a champ)!

    1. I think I have a few kids on most people lol. Wife and mom was a role I had to grow into, it wasnt easy in the beginning. Thank you for the support.


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