
Showing posts from June, 2013

Five Min Friday- Rhythm

Time for FMF over at  lisa-jo bakers blog Todays word is Rhythm Go! Someone once told me relationships are like a dance. Some times you lead, sometimes your partner leads. But what if you ain't got no rhythm? Back in the dating days with my hubby, our "dance" looked like this: inseparable for 2 months, take a "break" for 2 weeks, back together full time for 2 weeks, break for 2 days, back together for 2 more weeks.... you get the picture. We were all over the place. We had no rhythm. We each wanted what we wanted and would do what ever it took to get it- even if that meant stepping on each others toes. Rhythm was hard for us to find- we kept dancing around each other- fighting for the lead. Finlay, we stopped took a real break and tried again. Relationships are hard. You can not have two leaders. Two people leading means no one is following. I choose to follow my husband. When I decided to trust him and let him lead, he got the confidence to do so. No...
 Dear sweet moms, lets learn to be intentional while raising our children. Lets 'train them up in the way that they should go' all the time . Lets use every teachable moment and not waist it! Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 Recently one rainy day I took the kids to a bounce house near our home. Apparently everyone in my area had the same thought! There were lots of kids and their mamas there. I saw lots of amazing, awesome behavior from lots of the kids. I saw older kids waiting patiently for my two year old to   s l o w l y     climb the slide ladder. One older girl liked my twins so much she would play with them and watch out for one while I ran to find 'the one that got away.' I found her mama before we left and told her what a sweet girl she was raising.- You should have seen that mama smile! With lots of kids you are bound to see some not so good behavior as well. I saw ki...

5 Min Friday- Listen

 Write for 5 minutes and link up here at Lisa-Jo Baker. Todays word- Listen. GO I think, I want 5 minutes of peace. I want 5 minutes to myself! 5 minutes without a 3 year old whining about something, without a 2 year old calling for help, 'mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy...', without a infant crying to be picked up. Then I stop and listen. Really listen . I hear a 3 year old who so desperately wants to be independent but doesn't know how to break away yet. I get to be her everything for only a few more years . I hear two very special (almost) two year olds who love me and want me to be involved in everything they are doing and learning. I get to be the one to help them learn , I get to be the one that cheers them on and encourages them. I hear a brand new sweet blessing calling for me. I am the only one she wants, I am the only one that can feed her and help her grow. I am the one who can comfort her in a split second.  When I really listen to my life- 5 min...
I called her over to me. She hopped,                                                        hopped,                                                                   hopped                                       ...

5 Min Friday- One Month

One month.  Just one. So much can change is such a short time. We went from being a family of 5 to a family of 6. Sweet girl entered our world a month ago. 10 months ago when that little stick had a positive sign, I cried. I cried and then called my husband and then cried some more. I didn't believe it. How could I handle ANOTHER baby (or TWO)? I had a 2 and a half year old and twin 16 month olds. Hubby brought home more pregnancy tests- 5 of them, which all said the same thing- our life was changing again! I cried. How would I go grocery shopping if it was twins again? Would I have to have another c-section? Would this baby (or two) be healthy? I cried and call my friend- the one I KNEW would give me support and say "Yay!! What a blessing! You will be just fine." And after she said all that, I cried again, not because I was scared (ok maybe a little) but because I knew she was right- what a blessing! And a month ago that sweet blessing came into our lives- and I c...

The Wife of Noble Character

My favorite thing to read in the bible is Proverbs 31. The Wife of Noble Character . She is a women to look up to, but boy did I fear her. She seems so perfect. I could never do and be all the things that she is (for one, I don't know how to sew!). Well, I learned recently that she didn't really exist. Phew, that makes me feel better! These are qualities we as women should strive to have, but God knows we aren't perfect. We all have different talents and interests and that is a-OK! Webster on line dictionary defines noble as: 1. Possessing eminence, elevation, dignity, etc; above whatever is low, mean, degrading or dishonorable; magnanimous; as  a noble nature or action; a noble heart 2. Grand; stately, magnificent, splendid; as  a noble edifice. 3. Of exalted rank; of or pertaining to the nobility; distinguished from the masses by birth, station or title; highborn; as noble blood, a noble personage.  What an amazing way for my husband to describe me (I pray one d...