
Showing posts from January, 2014

Just Let Her Be Two.

"Mom." "Mama." "MOMMY! Open your eyes. We want to get up." Ugh. Is it morning already? I feel like I just laid down to go to sleep. Kid #3 from the other room: "Mom I peed in my diaper!!! Come get meeees out."  Kid #2 from the same room as kid #3: "Mom, come get me out of mys crib. I want my football."     Pull yourself together. Get up and get started. Besides, at least the baby isn't crying.....   "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"   .....yet.     I hate mornings. I hate morning's not so much because it's morning, but because it takes time to get in the swing of things. I have so much to do for 4 little people and they seem to all need me at the same time.   Change the older kids, change the baby, let the dog out, make breakfast (don't eat the bagel. It's all carbs and carbs make you fat. Don't Eat It! Great. Now you just ruined your whole day!), clean up dishes from the ni...

2014 Goals

2014 is here! Time to set some goals & make them clear!   I have set goals for myself in these different areas: Friends, Family, Home, Spiritual and Self.   Friends I want to create more authentic friendships, not just the quick message on Facebook.   To accomplish this I will:   A) Send a hand written not to at least one of my friends each month. I love writing out cute cards and who doesn't love getting mail?! I have already sent out my first note. Watch your mail box, you could be next!!   B) I also will try to break out of my staying-at-home-is-easier-then-going-out self a bit more. I tend to shy away from 'play dates' and 'girls nights out'. It takes a lot to get 4 kids, all four years old and younger, out of the house. But, there is nothing like being able to have a little interaction with another human....I mean adult. haha     Family  This year I want to capture the hearts of my husband and my ...

The 'M' That Started It All

We had a wild and crazy December- and not so much in a good way. But, the one wonderful thing that did  happen was our oldest turned 4!                                                    Here she is, just a day old!       Baby was due to arrive on December 15 2009. I asked my husband if he wanted to keep the baby's gender a surprise since it was close to Christmas. What a fun sweet gift, I was thinking! He responded with, "There is NO way you can go 9 months without knowing." In my true stubborn fashion, I responded with "Watch me!"  And so, due to the challenge put before me, no one knew the gender of the baby until she arrived.   She measured big and 3 weeks ahead of schedule almos...