Lessons from the Big Wood
Over the past 2 years we've been settling into a relaxed homeschool routine, my little family and I. Its been a beautiful and sweet journey. Not at all perfect, but full of blessings! When we left the school setting I knew I didn't want our learning experience to be like a school at all. I didn't want desks and name tags and stress. I didn't want rigor and regiment. I didn't want tests and grades and 'you're out of time' for that lesson. I've worked hard to have just the opposite in our home. After all, I firmly believe the most important part of homeschooling is the *home*. Home is where we feel loved and safe and confident enough to talk about the hard stuff. And boy, there has been some hard stuff as the kids have grown up a bit! I want the majority of our learning to come from life lessons, from Holy Spirit whispers and from good books read aloud. Of course we have curriculum that helps us learn to read and write and do math. We have books...