Winter in Summer
One of the things I say to myself the most (especially when I had a ton of young kids all at once) was, "Its only a season." It helped me to remember that the sleepless nights wouldn't last forever. The teething and the whining and the being needed every second wouldn't last for ever. The tough spot in our marriage, wouldn't last for ever. The stressful moments don't last. The long cold winter, it doesn't last for ever. You just have to weather them out and find the beauty in them while you do.
But it also helps me to remember, that the cute baby snuggles, the new born smell, the nap time bliss, it won't last forever. The big kids who still call me mommy and hold my hand, that doesn't last forever. I must enjoy the spring and summer while its here as well!
A few of my friends and I are reading through the bible in chronological order. We started in January and we are currently in 1 Samuel. To be honest I have found myself not connecting with this book at all. My mind wanders to my to-do list while I'm reading. Half the time I don't know whats going on, except the Israelites made an idol out of something stupid *again* and now a war has broken out. Then someone says,, "hey maybe we should ask God for forgiveness and for his help." And so they repent and God forgives....over and over. Like seriously Israelites, get it together!
But today, we read about David. How he was the least respected of his family. But that didn't stop him form doing his job well. He was made fun of by his older brothers, but that didn't stop him from doing the hard stuff. His confidence came from God, not what others thought about him. I wondered if he often felt like his "winter " season was long. When will people respect him, when will his father seem to notice him? He was anointed the next king years before he actually became king. When was it going to be his turn?
Then we read this verse. "Preach the word: be prepared in season and out of season: correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instructions. " 2 Tim 4:2
That verse made me think of the saying I repeat to myself (and share with anyone who will listen), "Its only a season." Just because I sometimes walk through a winter season in parenting, or marriage or homeschooling. Just because winter is long and cold and lonely, that doesn't mean I get a pass. That doesn't mean I get to be unprepared. Every season of life needs preparation, and for it to be done with great patience and careful instruction.
So many of us have walked through winter in the middle of spring and summer this year. 2020 hasn't been an easy one for anyone. We've been cooped up at home, our routines have been thrown off, our relationships stressed. Our jobs in jeopardy, our anxiety on high alert. Its been a hard "winter."
I'm sure that you are not heading into this school year the way you originally planned. Whether you're a seasoned homeschooler, a new homeschooler, or a virtual schooler, I know this season is going to be hard. But hard doesn't mean bad.
It wasn't easy for David to fight off a lion and a bear to protect his sheep. I'm sure it wasn't easy for him to watch his father favor his brothers. It wasn't easy for David to walk out in faith and defeat a giant with only a pebble to protect him with. It wasn't easy to know you're the next king, but wait and wait for your turn. But David was prepared. The winter season helped prepare him for his greatest work. And I just can't help but think that this long winter season that we all are walking through, is helping to prepare us for our greatest work as well.
So, whatever you are stepping into I pray that you will be prepared and you will you will walk through it with patience and careful instruction!
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